Art Advisor

Management and sale of artworks

We have all the necessary tools to assist you with discretion and professionalism in the purchase, management and sale of artworks, whether sculptures or paintings by modern artists, or masterpieces of the great masters of the eighteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

In cooperation with art experts, we guarantee a service of the highest quality both from an artistic as well as from a technical and financial point of view.

Negotiations will be conducted only after the signing of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), which must be followed, in case of manifest interest, by the presentation of a Letter of Intent (LOI) and a Proof of Funds (POF).

“Art reflects the spectator, not life.”

Oscar Wilde – Irish writer

Terreno R3 con bellissima vista lago

6600 Solduno
CHF 330'000.–
608 m2

Appartamento 3.5 locali al primo piano

6594 Contone
CHF 500'000.–
3.5 rooms
83 m2

Appartamento 4.5 locali

6598 Tenero
CHF 560'000.–
112 m2

Appartamento 2.5 locali 1P

6596 Gordola
CHF 570'000.–
2.5 rooms
82 m2

Terreno R4 zona residenziale semi intensiva

6710 Biasca
CHF 930'000.–
883 m2

Casa unifamiliare con giardino (possibile bifamiliare)

6710 Biasca
CHF 930'000.–
165 m2